Mommybites Chit-Chat: Alison & Allison

Prior to starting a business together, we both were in careers that we loved. Allison Schlanger was a television producer. She worked at MTV for most of her career in the News and Docs department and also volunteered as a teacher for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders teaching conflict resolution and current events.

photo credit Keelyn Mitchell

Mommybites Chit-Chat: Conversations with luminaries, entrepreneurs and influencers in the parenting world

Tell us a little about you (your background, your job, what makes you tick or anything else you think our Mommybites moms will find interesting).

Alison Qualter Berna had two prior careers. She worked at NBC News Dateline and then at UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund managing a global program using sports as a tool to address issues affecting children’s healthy development including child protection, education and HIV prevention.

In 2010, both of us had twins. Alison S had twin boys and Alison QB had twin girls. While we were both on maternity leave we signed our kids up for music class – and that is where we met each other…in a freight elevator because the regular elevator didn’t fit our twin strollers! We immediately connected over the fact that we had the same name, both had twins, were both from New Jersey and could not decide if we were going back to our jobs.

We started dreaming of a life where we could bring our kids to work with us, and along with our husbands, started an indoor play space for families with young children called apple seeds. A couple of years into apple seeds we launched a music program called songs for seeds. songs for seeds is a three-piece rock band for kids that teaches so much more than music hitting many aspects of early childhood development. It quickly became our most popular class and so we are now franchising so we can share the program with kids across the country.
Find out more from our interview HERE at MommyBites.com


For Moms Who Want To Start a Business but Don't Have a Business Idea

photo credit: Keelyn Mitchell

There are many women who change careers once they have children— either by necessity (like me) or by choice, like Alison Berna and Allison Schlanger, two new friends I made recently who started the apple seeds playspace in NYC.

Just to give you a bit of background— I was introduced to the Al(l)isons shortly after my book came out. We have a mutual friend who gave them a copy and they loved it so much, they decided to order a whole bunch to give as gifts to their most loyal customers. Then we ended up using their party space for Harlow’s birthday party. As I got to know them, I realized we have a lot in common and wanted to help them spread the word about their new franchise opportunity, which they say works best for moms who find themselves in the exact same spot as they did back when they first became parents.

Read the rest of the article by Ilana Wiles HERE


Blending Business and Family with Alison & Allison

We had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with our old friend Debbie Archangeles and chat a little about a lot: work life blend, re-evaluating and reinvesting to help business growth, personal causes and of course franchise business.

Hear the whole interview HERE